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American Dream...


Barack Obama, Black, African American, 47 years old, rising star from American underclass, NOW is the president of United States. He is the first black American president ever n he is a perfect example of fulfilling that all-known American Dream.

As far as I know and the media has reported, Barack Obama was a punk n an addict of drugs n alcohol when he was in his teenager time. But Dude! Can u imagine that about 30 years later, this man will be the president of United States of America? And can u still imagine that this kinda situation is gonna happen in China? Yeah, U'll surely say, "Man! U gotta be kidding me!" Yeah, I guess I do. :-D

But when we look at this phenomenon from a different perspective, it ain't hard 2 find that the United States is a country that includes every single tiny element whether it's good or not. All he cares is what u'll bring 2 America. In addition, Obama was indeed an outstanding student back 2 campus time n his talents r unquestionable. Great eloquence, charming appearance, energetic body etc. r his aces of winning the Election. He is definitely a representative, an idol, a milestone of American Dream. He gave us a rule that as long as u r diligent, self-determined, u can do whatever u set ur mind 2, no matter what sorta guy u used 2 be. Obama is this kinda guy who will bring changes 2 the whole nation from his sophisticated underclass experience n I hope those changes would really give America hope n make them look forward toward life.

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