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Snow Dance...


Nov. 18th 2008-Snowing Day. Sth occurred 2 me when I was on the way 2 work on bus that I'd had an Internet ID named "Snow Dance" as I was watching snow flying bravely through mighty strong wind. It's beautiful, u know, n it's just like they were dancing out there n cheering that they'd finally got freedom of their own. They've been stuck in the middle of sky n waited for that "release point". Once started, they released themselves as long-caged animals would do.

Seems like I've got freedom too. Although tired as I am, hard like it always be, I eventually have freedom that I can be totally on my own, which I think it's cool cuz I don't wanna give my parents extra weight any more. I like this kinda feeling, get paid by my own hands. I believe that I can make it one day, I can achieve my goals step by step in years 2 come.

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