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Lost Opportunities...


HR, TNT sent me a message via cell phone that I could attend their recruiting lecture while I was reviewing on my course in the library. But there is a 100% complete collision between the lecture and a course exam at 1:00 Pm on 5th Nov cuz I have 2 take the major course exam at 1:30PM! Dude! That reaaaaaally annoys me. I'll watch this precious hard won opportunity slipping away from me without doing anything. I reaaaaally hate myself but I reaaaaally can't do a thing to handle this cuz I can't fail in the final exam. This is just it. Period!
Anyway, this is called lost opportunity. And I don't expect 2 experience this kinda situation again. So Now, Im saying that Im gonna grab every opportunity flying in front of me in the future. I WON'T lose them AGAIN!

Losing opportunities equals losing rights 2 get a better life. We all better believe it.

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