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Mentalistic Cure, Maybe Not that Much No More...


Actually, it's just not like what I was or am supposed to be. Maybe Im not that kinda guy I used to be. Occasional sentimentality needs a lil mentalistic cure to be relieved, that was what I used to do. But right now, Im like a lil bit changed, I finally realized that life should be colorful n various, full of all kinds of new things that I never had reached out. So I've been changing to be a realistic n optimistic guy, tryna experience as much as I can in the world, laughing to the unknown future Im currently confronting etc.

Yeah, it's a long long time that I ain't logged on n tried to record what was on my mind. The point is that Im NOT like what I used to be a lil bit. I dunno where to start my journal! This is how things end like this, long time no writing. I think this is the reason why I did all of that.

A guy should eventually grow to a fully mature one. During the whole process, Mentalistic cure, maybe not that much no more.

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